Heresy Hammer
Dedicated to the Horus Heresy, tune in for news, lore and gaming in the 31st Millennium, featuring 3 lads from the south of England, UK.
Your Hosts
In 2018, when Rob was approached by a friend to paint an army for them, he decided to set up his painting commission studio: Medders’ Miniatures. The business began with a few clients who were UK based however after branching out to social media, within the space of 4 years he now has clients all over the world!
Jon started playing Warhammer nearly 30 years ago and, after the typical hiatus, began playing the Horus Heresy over a decade ago. Despite, at some point, having built and painted armies for most legions, he considers himself a true Son of Olympia and loves nothing more than crushing enemies beneath the iron boot!
Lee has been playing Horus Heresy for well over 10 years having been incepted to play by Rob when they both used to live in Cambridge. Lee favours elite armies that use brute force, having played Mechanicum, World Eaters and now Iron Warriors. He may take a little while to paint his miniatures but when he does they look fantastic!
In this section, you’ll find all of the UK’s top Horus Heresy events. This one-stop shop for all your gaming events has been laid out in a easy-to-use calendar. Just click/scroll to the month, click on the event link and this will take you to where you can purchase tickets. If you would like your event added to the calendar then please email heresyhammer30k@gmail.com
Guest Feature: Aaron & his Sons of Horus!
Welcome to our Guest Feature, where we spotlight the passionate members of the Horus Heresy community! In this series, we'll be showcasing various painters, hobbyists and content creators, who will talk about their armies and journeys with the Horus Heresy game we all...